EMI, Personal Loan, Home Loan Great relief to the customers taking loan, Government has given exemption from interest on limit of so much rupees.
Good news for ordinary people. The government has given great relief to small entrepreneurs and private loan customers in the case of suspension of loans.
The government has said it will not charge interest on interest during the month's suspension. This discount from interest rate can be availed only on loans up to Rs 2 crore.
The government has divided the eight into eight categories: MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises), education, housing, customer sustainability, credit card debt, auto, personal and consumer.
In the case of MSMEs and personal loans, it has been decided to waive the interest of the beneficiaries of Morrium.
The government further said that most banking customers understand that deferring a loan does not mean interest relief. This is why more than fifty percent of people prefer to continue providing EMI. The government said this while giving an affidavit in the Supreme Court.
This will include loans up to Tk 2 crore. Those who have taken Rs 2 crore will not get this discount. On March 27, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a notification suspending loans considering the economic hardships faced by the people due to the Corona epidemic.
It provided relief to EMIs on loans from March 1 to May 31. This relief was later extended to 31 August. Under this, EMI can be chosen to meet later. Interest is to be paid on interest during the period when EMI is not paid.
The government said in the affidavit
Earlier in the affidavit, the government had said that granting interest on interest on suspension would be against the basic principles of the economy. The government has also said that if interest on each type of loan is waived for six months, it will put a pressure of Rs 6 lakh crore on banks. It will be impossible for banks to manage.
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