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On-Page SEO Ke Liye Servshreshth Poorn Guidelines

ऑन-पेज एसईओ क्या है? (What is on-page SEO?) वेब कंपोजिशन अपग्रेड वेब सर्च इंस्ट्रूमेंट्स से आपके पदार्थ के परिणामों को बढ़ाता है, आपके लिए काम करने, SERP रैंकिंग, नियमित ट्रैफ़िक (Traffic) और सामान्य परिवर्तनों को याद रखता है। ऑन-पेज एसईओ (On Page SEO) संशोधित करता है कि त्वरित विजय के लिए और एक नियम के उन्नयन के रूप में आपके पृष्ठों को मजबूत करने का सुझाव देता है। इसमें शामिल हो सकते हैं: आपके पदार्थ की स्पष्टता वॉचवर्ड फोकस स्मूथिंग आउट पिक्चर्स आंतरिक और बाहरी संरचना को जोड़ना जबकि आपके पास पृष्ठ पर क्या है और आप क्या संशोधित करते हैं, यह चुनने का मौका है, ऑन-पेज एसईओ (On Page SEO) को परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए एक बहुत ही निश्चित समीकरण की आवश्यकता होती है। आपको सतर्क रहना चाहिए और अपनी प्रक्रिया की योजना बनानी चाहिए, या अपनी रैंकिंग (Ranking) खोने का जोखिम उठाना चाहिए। एसईओ (SEO) के तीन दिशानिर्देश भाग हैं, जब आप पहली-दर की सामग्री, स्रोत कोड और आपकी साइट संरचना को संशोधित करते हैं, क्योंकि ये सभी आपकी साइट की पहचान योग्य गुणवत्ता, नियमित ट्रैफ़िक, SERP रैंकिंग और परिवर्तनों को प्र...

How Google AdWords Ads Affect Your Ecommerce Site

The most popular digital marketing method that can directly and positively affect your eCommerce sales rate is Google AdWords advertising. By promoting an ad you created for an e-commerce site, you ensure that your potential customers reach their desired product in the least possible way. You can get more sales statistics with a lower budget than you need to spend on other well-known advertising campaigns.

How Google AdWords Ads Work

Google AdWords ads must create a specific product or topic. You cannot advertise one of your products at the same time. The first thing to do here is to decide what steps your customers want to take. For example; you can buy your customers directly by clicking on your own ad. Redirecting a user to the page on which your product is located will confuse the user and leave the site and not complete the purchase. Additionally, you can aim to increase the number of visits and site traffic by attracting customers to your eCommerce site.

Used properly, Google AdWords ads can lead you directly to success or, if misused, can lead to failure - wasting your budget. Because these ads are charged or selected as per visit. If because of your strategy your ads reach relevant results or customers outside of your target audience, these considerations will not translate into a purchase. So, your allocated advertising budget will be wasted.

If the Google AdWords ads are too complex for you, or if the keywords you set aren't enough, or if your ads get a higher clickthrough rate than expected, no change in purchase rate is noticed. You must have made a mistake somewhere.

The most common application error in Google AdWords advertising

Not all users like the products on your e-commerce site. For this reason, before creating your ad setup, you need to determine your target audience as accurately and precisely as possible.

  • Error using Google AdWords ads
  • Using too many keywords
  • Give too much space to generic keywords
  • Don't use negative keywords
  • Keep your daily advertising budget to a minimum
  • It does not specify the information on navigation and local location
  • Determining which page is not open when clicking on an ad
  • Budget to keep every click/budget too low or too high

It can be listed as

When you set up your ads for Google AdWords, your starting point is with keywords. You can start by specifying 10 to 20 keywords. The words you choose should be related to the product for your advertising purposes and should not contain words with a broad meaning.

Suppose your company sells women's pants. If you have pants on your keywords, you can also attract male users to your site and you can't end this activity with a purchase because you passed the ad to the wrong target audience. To avoid this you can choose keywords women's pants and for negative keywords, you can choose men's pants. This allows Google AdWords advertising to match exactly 3 different match types. This method allows you to use your budget as accurately as possible to reach your target audience and translate the action to your liking.

One of the common mistakes of eCommerce sites is to keep your daily advertising budget to a minimum. If you keep your budget too low, your ads will start running early in the day and you will lose your chances for the rest of the time. For this reason, you should set up your daily budget strategy so that your ads run throughout the day.

If your freight service is within the boundaries of a specific city, region, or country, you need to determine your location information when advertising with Google AdWords. If customers want the product they want, they can't afford it, when they want to come back to the information section to buy, the budget you spend on your ad won't fit, but you must have spent it in vain. For this reason, you can include this browsing information in your ad setup and protect yourself from unnecessary visits.

The page you clicked on in your paid Google AdWords ad must be related to your ad. With this in mind, in the case of the ad provided to you, looking at the page will give customers direct access to the product they want to verify in more detail and increase the chances of purchasing the product. If that doesn't happen, it's time to dump her and move on.

One of the most important criteria for the success of Google AdWords ads is setting a standard cost per click (CPC). If you spend extra per click to ensure your ads always appear at the top, your ad budget will melt in a very short time. Keeping cost-per-clicks too low will reduce your position in Google AdWords ads and reduce the number of views and hence the purchase rate. The best way to do this is to use the high and low-cost variables first and determine the ideal cost per click for you by analyzing the results.

Things to consider for Google AdWords ads in e-commerce

Small and medium-sized businesses, in particular, find this digital marketing method largely useless because they cannot properly use Google AdWords ads. Mismanagement of Google AdWords ads or incorrect use of this tool may lead to such misconceptions. If competitors working in the same industry are wrong, this can create a big advantage for you. When the company in question deems it unnecessary and stops using the medium of advertising, you are automatically one step ahead of them.

When you click on a product that uses Google AdWords, you must be very careful that the page you are opening is incorrect or that the page is not properly prepared. Being able to offer your expectation the product they want means they lead them to buy.


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