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On-Page SEO Ke Liye Servshreshth Poorn Guidelines

ऑन-पेज एसईओ क्या है? (What is on-page SEO?) वेब कंपोजिशन अपग्रेड वेब सर्च इंस्ट्रूमेंट्स से आपके पदार्थ के परिणामों को बढ़ाता है, आपके लिए काम करने, SERP रैंकिंग, नियमित ट्रैफ़िक (Traffic) और सामान्य परिवर्तनों को याद रखता है। ऑन-पेज एसईओ (On Page SEO) संशोधित करता है कि त्वरित विजय के लिए और एक नियम के उन्नयन के रूप में आपके पृष्ठों को मजबूत करने का सुझाव देता है। इसमें शामिल हो सकते हैं: आपके पदार्थ की स्पष्टता वॉचवर्ड फोकस स्मूथिंग आउट पिक्चर्स आंतरिक और बाहरी संरचना को जोड़ना जबकि आपके पास पृष्ठ पर क्या है और आप क्या संशोधित करते हैं, यह चुनने का मौका है, ऑन-पेज एसईओ (On Page SEO) को परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए एक बहुत ही निश्चित समीकरण की आवश्यकता होती है। आपको सतर्क रहना चाहिए और अपनी प्रक्रिया की योजना बनानी चाहिए, या अपनी रैंकिंग (Ranking) खोने का जोखिम उठाना चाहिए। एसईओ (SEO) के तीन दिशानिर्देश भाग हैं, जब आप पहली-दर की सामग्री, स्रोत कोड और आपकी साइट संरचना को संशोधित करते हैं, क्योंकि ये सभी आपकी साइट की पहचान योग्य गुणवत्ता, नियमित ट्रैफ़िक, SERP रैंकिंग और परिवर्तनों को प्र...

Umer Qureshi Young Age Great Success - Blogger, blogger, Affiliate Marketer, Email Marketer, Consultancy - Owner of

Umer Qureshi Young Age Great success, Umer Qureshi means a blogger, affiliate marketer, email marketer, consultancy, and more. There is very little thought about them, but in itself, it is a small packet and a big explosion.

He is the youngest in India. Inspired thousands of people to start an online business. He is a genius blogger, affiliate marketer, email marketer, consultancy and has achieved a lot in his life at a young age.

Still inspiring thousands of people how they can start an online business and blog. There is a true test that teaches us that age is just a number. He is running a multiplier online business at just 16 years old.

In this article, we will learn many things about him, after knowing about which everyone who is unhappy with his own life, you will get inspiration.


Umer Qureshi is the youngest blogger in India. He started his first blog at the age of thirteen. When he was to start the blog, his parents had no knowledge about it as Umer Qureshi says.

Umer Qureshi did not have the funds to make his first blog debut. As we all know, no one has enough money to start business at such a young age.

But here he showed his understanding and spent the money received on his birthday (His birth date is 13 April) on a domain and hosting instead of celebrating it with his friends.

He started blogging only on a hobby. But gradually his hobby turned into a business. He continued to learn while blogging, as he continued to earn, he continued to learn and invest in business. As such, he is earning a good income today. Umer Qureshi invests more in tools, courses, and events that allow him to learn something new, which enhances his career.

When you start any work and that too when you are of your age to play, not to work, then your family is in worry. Because your parents are worried about your future.

The same happened with Umer Qureshi when he was blogging sitting in front of the laptop and his parents had no knowledge about it at all. But when Qureshi told him about his first income, his parents were very happy and he was very proud of his son. Umer Qureshi's parents then encouraged him and encouraged him to continue with his studies.

Today Umer Qureshi is running many online businesses and continues to inspire others. His businesses are: blogger, affiliate marketer, email marketing, consultancy, and more.

Satish Kushwaha had taken an interview with him and published it on his YouTube channel, which became very popular due to which Umer Qureshi came to know the whole world and his relatives.

Umer Qureshi is an inspiration for all those who are disappointed with their own life, they should learn that nothing is impossible in life, so you need to be in the right direction.

You should move forward in the same field in which you are interested. And never panic in front of your parents to keep your point. Talk to your parents to grow in the area you are interested in.


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