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On-Page SEO Ke Liye Servshreshth Poorn Guidelines

ऑन-पेज एसईओ क्या है? (What is on-page SEO?) वेब कंपोजिशन अपग्रेड वेब सर्च इंस्ट्रूमेंट्स से आपके पदार्थ के परिणामों को बढ़ाता है, आपके लिए काम करने, SERP रैंकिंग, नियमित ट्रैफ़िक (Traffic) और सामान्य परिवर्तनों को याद रखता है। ऑन-पेज एसईओ (On Page SEO) संशोधित करता है कि त्वरित विजय के लिए और एक नियम के उन्नयन के रूप में आपके पृष्ठों को मजबूत करने का सुझाव देता है। इसमें शामिल हो सकते हैं: आपके पदार्थ की स्पष्टता वॉचवर्ड फोकस स्मूथिंग आउट पिक्चर्स आंतरिक और बाहरी संरचना को जोड़ना जबकि आपके पास पृष्ठ पर क्या है और आप क्या संशोधित करते हैं, यह चुनने का मौका है, ऑन-पेज एसईओ (On Page SEO) को परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए एक बहुत ही निश्चित समीकरण की आवश्यकता होती है। आपको सतर्क रहना चाहिए और अपनी प्रक्रिया की योजना बनानी चाहिए, या अपनी रैंकिंग (Ranking) खोने का जोखिम उठाना चाहिए। एसईओ (SEO) के तीन दिशानिर्देश भाग हैं, जब आप पहली-दर की सामग्री, स्रोत कोड और आपकी साइट संरचना को संशोधित करते हैं, क्योंकि ये सभी आपकी साइट की पहचान योग्य गुणवत्ता, नियमित ट्रैफ़िक, SERP रैंकिंग और परिवर्तनों को प्र...

Top 5 Business Ideas after Lockdown


In the past, the government extended the lockdown period and took it further for 14 days. The business of many people has been shut down and this lockdown has no effect on the business of those who are selling the products they need daily. Factories, malls, product companies, etc. are all closed from both. In such a situation, the employees who used to work inside these companies are all unemployed and are in readiness to return to their villages/homes.

After the lockdown, when the business will reopen, the migrant laborers who have all moved to their villages? Will they come back? And will the business start as before? Time and circumstances are showing that the business will not be able to run as before, which are small businesses, they will suffer a lot, many people will have to close their business, then in such a situation what business can run after the lockout.

Where I will tell you about five such businesses which will be very important after lockdown. Do you want to know which business will give you a lot of benefits after lockdown? If yes, then continue reading it.

Top 5 Business Ideas after Lockdown



I have felt myself about this idea, I have many friends who used to buy goods from nearby shops earlier, but the lockdown pushed them to online shopping and all of them now get their goods at home. You can buy anything online, vegetables, milk products, clothes and everything you need. All you have to do is place an order and the goods arrive at your home, some delivery is free and some is paid.

Therefore, the importance of e-commerce business will increase more than before and you should jump into this business if you want to save yourself from unemployment and economic downturn.

If you do not know about this e-commerce business and you do not have the knowledge, then you can study about it on YouTube. There are lots of tutorials filled on YouTube. If you go to this business then you will definitely benefit and your business will grow.

Digitalize Your Business


A friend of mine called me to inquire about the situation and in the interim, he asked me what is digital boos and how to digitalize his business. Asked many more questions such as:

  • How to digitalize business
  • How to do a digital market
  • How to do digital brand
  • How to manage digital

Now here is a note: In this lockdown, people spent more than 45% of their time on social media, in which their targets have been WhatsApp and Facebook. One more thing to note is that there has been an 85% increase in digital payments in the past, that is, many people have paid more due to lockdown than the amount of demonetization.

In this lockdown, many businesses have taught us how important it is to keep yourself active digitally, how important it is digitally prepared. The digital business is still growing but at the end of lockdown, its speed will increase, and that too fast.

This is a very big area, you can establish your business anywhere within it, and you can go to these areas:

  • Influencer Market
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Whatsaap Marketing
  • Video Marketing

Today, small businesses are also building their brands and building their income through videos on Tiktok, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, and many such social platforms.

Because video consumption is growing very fast today. For video training, you can avail for free on YouTube. After which you can digitize your business and also get answers to the above-mentioned questions.

Online Education


Have you ever noticed, some things that we have been watching since childhood and in this lockout our children must have realized that we can live without clothes, live without toys, we can forget our many desires But no parent can stop the education of their children?

Every parent often forgets his passion and wants to continue the education of his children. He wants his child's education not to be hindered. Online education is a field that is never stagnant nor will it ever stop.

So if you are a teacher or you have talent like teachers, then you can manage a good income by making your own channel on YouTube for online education.

Health Care Field


The time that has imprisoned us all in our homes is the coronavirus that attacks our health and makes us sick. If a sneeze dies, a fear arises that I have not become corona. Coronavirus has come but there also came an awareness that it is important to take care of your health.

It is being talked here that healthy still has its importance but it is going to the sector and grow. For this, it is not necessary that you have to be a doctor, but both your experience and knowledge here is enough to grow you in this sector.

Due to Coronavirus, awareness has been created to stay fit in the people, now everyone would like that their health is right, who previously did not pay attention to their health. He would like to increase his resistance strength. Various types of healthy tips are being discovered such as:  

  • Yoga postures,
  • How to start yoga,
  • How to increase the immunity system,
  • How to lose weight,
  • Diet for daily routine, etc.

So you have to see which area you are interested in which you can go for. If you can teach it, you can do it offline and online. If not, you can also do this:

  • Dietician
  • Nutritionist
  • Technician
  • Physiotherapist
  • Fitness coach
  • Yoga instructor
  • Service provider

Technical Field


You must have seen many companies started working from home during this lockdown. How do you think all companies will stop working from home after lockdown? It will not happen at all, some companies can do this, who have not fully planned for it, but most are not going to do it.

Team management software, video call management software, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar, etc. have seen an increase in subscriptions. Paytm, PhonePe, Google Pay, and other digital wallets have also increased in use. What has increased with all these, do you know 'yes' that is a technical job.

There are many technical fields and there are many jobs that are waiting for you. Jobs that come in this field:

  • Web Development
  • App Development
  • Software Development
  • Project Management
  • Cyber Security

So this is the business that is going to grow after the lockdown and is still growing. You should not wait but start studying about it from now on. If you are a beginner.


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